Saturday, September 28, 2013

5V- Confused Definitions
Many people, including myself had trouble finding the correct definition for the word, agency.  Many common definitions dealt with a group of people established to provide a particular service.  I started writing my blog and finished most of my thought, only to the surprise that it was not the correct usage of the word.  When looking on the blog later in the week, I found out the definition in which we were supposed to use.  "Agency is related to action, power, movement, initiative." Although I could not find any other information with this definition, this closely relates to this weeks articles. 
The focus of this weeks article's, in my perspective, were mostly focused on how not to procrastinate.  By taking agency, students can avoid cramming sessions.  There actions that are thought of ahead of time are very effective.  I have used such agency a few times before when dealing with school work, and plan on working harder in order to make it more of a regular tool. I hope that taking the initiative in my work will make my college experience very positive.
Another word that appeared this week was ambiguity. It arose in my Critical Thinking class. It means a something that has two meanings.  It can make a statement vague because of the two definitions that can be used for the same word.  I was able to apply a word I had heard a few times, into a real life context in this class.
The final word that came up this week was in my Pre-Calculus class.  The word was asymptote.  It came up in class my junior year of high school, but I did not remember the exact definition. When it came up in class this week, I decided to go further into investigation of it.  It is a function that  continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance. I thought that it was very interesting to find out that a function could steadily get closer to an asymptote, but never actually touch it.  You learn things every week!

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