Friday, August 30, 2013

1A- Same Place, Different Perspective

In life people get very preoccupied with their own circumstances.  They become unaware of the fact that the people around them may not have the same opinions.  They may not see situations in the same light as them.  But if everyone were to slow down and actually gain an understanding of this, the gap would close.  People would be able to better understand and empathize with the community around them.  An important time to do this is while entering college.  What might be a time of independence for some, may also be a time of anxiety and fear for others.  For me, college will be both.

In high school, I would like to say I was the smart student who always did her work, but I was not. I was the girl who did not seem to care much about her grades, although I was always in advanced classes.  I hated this reputation that I had built for myself.  When college was beginning, I pledged to myself that I was not going to allow that to happen again. College for me means a new start.

In every aspect of my life I want to change something.  Since many people do not know me at Southern Connecticut State University, it is my chance to make the name for myself that I want.  I know that I can be the person I envision.  This is my chance.  Although I may not get the best grades, I will try my best to work to my full potential instead of slacking off like I had in my past.  I am willing to take every opportunity to better myself and further myself into being the person I know I am able to be.

Does this mean I am going to slack on the social aspects of college? NO! In high school, I was not a "popular" kid.  Then again, I also was not one of the kids who had no friends.  Growing up, I was known as the social butterfly of my family.  In high school, when my friend group consisted of two people, my family was surprised.  I hope to expand this group by rushing in college.  I hope to make connections with people who will be beneficial to my college experience. I learned many things while at the lectures during welcome weekend, but the thing that impacted me the most was to see how people in the audience were reacting.  While some seemed to truly listen, others took it as a joke.  The people who spoke made me realize that college is what you make of it.

I have many personal goals in college, but only time can tell how this four- year journey will turn out.  I may change my mind.  I will undergo good times and bad. College isn't supposed to be easy for anyone, but our only choice is to cross our fingers and hope for the best.  My challenge for you, whoever you are reading this, is to think about the person you want to be.  If you cannot think of that, think of the person you would be proud to say you know.  Make college the experience for you.  It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks because although they are in the same place as you, they may not have the same perspective.  Do what makes you happy and make college a positive experience for you. Just stay true to you.

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